Search Results
Exploring Shape Designs for Soft Robotics and Users’ Associations with Them
Exploring Shape Designs for Soft Robotics and Users’ Associations with Them
MagPixel: Modular Toolkit for Designing Interactive Magnetic Shape Displays
Exploring the Design Space of Extra-Linguistic Expression for Robots
ICRA 2023: Presentation of Yayun Du on Modeling the Locomotion of Soft Robots in Granular Medium
MiuraKit: A Modular Hands-On Construction Kit For Pneumatic Shape-Changing And Robotic Interfaces
MiuraKit (30s preview, DIS'23)
[ACM DIS'23 Programmable Materials Workshop] Tacilia
Finding the optimal shape for robots
Simulation and Fabrication of Soft Robots with Embedded Skeletons
FlexEOP: Flexible Shape-changing Actuator using Embedded Electroosmotic Pumps
Soft robots designed using kirigami principles